Camping in Miami
Information about camping in the city of Miami and
other parts of South Florida.
Miami-Dade County Campgrounds
Campgrounds operated by the County of Miami-Dade
include barnes Park, Camp Greynolds,
Camp Owaissa Bauer, and Thompson Park.
Backcountry Camping in the Everglades
There are several backcountry
camp sites in Everglades National Park.
Some are on the ground, some are on the
beach,and some are on elevated camping
platforms called "chickees".
Most of the camp sites can only be
accessed by boat but it is possible
to hike to some of them.
Miami Everglades Campground
Tent and recreational vehicle camping sites
near a mango and avocado grove. Cabins
with kitchens and bathrooms are also available.
Located about 25 miles south of Miami and 10
miles east of Everglades National Park.
Oleta River State Park Cabins
Camping in air-conditioned cabins.
See also:
Other Activities in Miami
attractions in Miami
Related Links
Lodging in Miami - Main Menu
Attractions in Miami
Events in Miami
Miami for Visitors