Divorce in Miami Florida
Divorce resources for Miami residents, Florida
Divorce Laws, and how to obtain copies of Florida
divorce and anullment records.
Simplified Divorce in Miami-Dade County
Under certain conditions it is possible to obtain
what is called a "Simplified Divorce". Some of the
conditions are that there are no dependent children,
the division of property has been agreed upon,
and that at least one party has resided in the state
of Florida for at least six prior to the filing.
File for Divorce Online
If you qualify for an uncontested divorce
this U.S. wide company will fill out your divorce
papers for you and provide you with instructions
for submitting your divorce papwers to the court.
Miami Area Divorce Attorneys
Clearfield and Suttle
Joseph Dobkin
Karlan and Associates
Lawrence Katz
Linda Singer
Michael Lechtman
Roberta Fulton Fox
Serena Carroll
Stephanie Morrow
Child Support
Pay Child Support Online
Florida Parent Education Classes
Parents who are divorcing or who are involved in child
custody disputes may be legally required
to take one of these classes.
Divorce Resolution
Parent Education
Florida Divorce or Anulment Record Applications
Application in English
Application in Spanish
Application in Creole
Related Links
Miami for Visitors
Miami for Residents