Windsurfing in Miami Florida
Information about windsurfing near Miami and
other parts of South Florida.
Windsurfing Spots in South Florida
The best places to go windsurfing in South Florida
including the Rickenbacker Causeway, Virginia Key,
Crandon park, Matheson Hammock Park, Homestead Bayfront
Park, plus windsurfing beaches in Broward County,
the Florida Keys, and other parts of Florida.
From the SFWA Web site.
Sailboards Miami
Two hour windsurfing lessons for beginners on
a beach located along the the Rickenbacker
Causeway in Biscayne Bay that is sometimes
called "Windsurfer Beach". Also offers
sailboard rentals and sales of sailboards and
windsurfing supplies.
South Florida Windsurfing Association
An organization founded to promote the sport
of windsurfing in South Florida, organize
windsurfing events, preserve public
access to waterways, and ensure the cleanliness
of Florida's beaches.
Miami Pro-Am
Windsurfer racing series in South Florida.
See also:
Other Water Activities in Miami
Land Activities in Miami
Air Activities in Miami
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