Jai Alai in Florida
Information about jai alai in the city of Miami and
other parts of the state of Florida.
Jai-Alai Frontons in Florida
There are now five Jai Alai Frontons in
the state of Florida and they are located
in Dania Beach, Miami, Ocala, Fort Pierce,
and Orlando.
Florida Gaming Corporation
Owner of Jai-Alai frontons in Maimi
and Fort Pierce Florida. The Miami facility
also has poker in its Crystal Card Room.
The first jai-alai fronton in the United States
was built in 1924 on the site of the historic
Hialeah Park Race Track in the city of Hialeah near
Miami. Jai-alai was first legalized as a pari-mutuel
gambling sport in Florida in 1935. The Hialeah
jai-alai games were later relocated to a jai-alai
fronton in Miami that is reputedly the largest in the
world. Several jai alai frontons in in Florida
have closed in recent years including the one in
Melbourne that was converted to a greyhound racing track.
In an effort to prevent the closure of frontons in Florida,
the Florida State Legislature passed HB 1059 and it became
a law on August 6, 2003. That rule changed state regulations
regarding the operating wagering poker games at pari-mutuel
facilities such as jai-alai frontons, greyhound racing tracks,
and horse racing tracks in Florida.
See also:
Other Land Activities in Miami
Water Activities in Miami
Air Activities in Miami
Related Links
All Activities in Miami
Attractions in Miami
Events in Miami
Miami for Visitors
Elsewhere on the Web
Wikipedia on the Sport of Jai Alai
International Federation of Basque Pelota
Texas Jai-Alai (plan to open 4 facilities)